Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nuclei somatosensorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 rhombencephalon caudale Short Extended
Current level nuclei somatosensorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
8031 tax
nuclei somatosensorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
somatosensory nuclei of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
72602 5336 tax
nucleus gracilis (par)
gracile nucleus (pair)
77059 5337 tax
pars centralis (par)
central part (pair)
77060 5338 tax
pars rostralis (par)
rostral part (pair)
77065 5339 tax
subnucleus rostrodorsalis (par)
rostrodorsal subnucleus (pair)
nucleus parvocellularis compactus (par)
compact parvocellular nucleus (pair)
68465 5340 tax
nucleus cuneatus (par)
cuneate nucleus (pair)
77069 5341 tax
pars caudalis (par)
caudal part (pair)
pars teres (par)
round part (pair)
pars triangularis (par)
triangular part (pair)
77070 5342 tax
pars rostralis (par)
rostral part (pair)
72603 5343 tax
nucleus cuneatus accessorius (par) ; nucleus cuneatus externus (par)
accessory cuneate nucleus (pair) ; external cuneate nucleus (pair)
77073 5344 tax
nucleus precuneatus accessorius (par)
accessory precuneate nucleus (pair) ; cell group X (pair)
72605 5394 tax
nucleus pericuneatus medialis (par)
medial pericuneate nucleus (pair)
72604 5395 tax
nucleus pericuneatus lateralis (par)
lateral pericuneate nucleus (pair)
77099 5393 tax
nucleus endolemniscalis (par)
endolemniscal nucleus (pair)
72600 5400 tax
nucleus peritrigeminalis (par)
peritrigeminal nucleus (pair)
72606 5346 tax
subnucleus caudalis (par)
caudal subnucleus (pair)
83959 5347 tax
lamina trigeminalis I (par) ; lamina zonalis (par)
trigeminal layer I (pair) ; zonal layer (pair)
83960 5348 tax
lamina trigeminalis II (par) ; lamina gelatinosa (par)
trigeminal layer II (pair) ; gelatinous layer (pair)
83961 5349 tax
lamina trigeminalis III-IV (par) ; lamina magnocellularis (par)
trigeminal layer III-IV (pair) ; magnocellular layer (pair)
21 lines
95.2 %
95.2 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the Nucleus cuneatus (Cuneate nucleus), the new subdivision into 4 parts by Florence SL, Wall JT, Kaas JH (1989 Somatotopic organization of inputs from the hand to the spinal gray and cuneate nucleus of monkeys. J Comp Neurol 286:48-70) is used, as in Paxinos G, Huang X-F (1995 Atlas of the Human Brainstem. Academic Press, San Diego).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8031
Number of children 62 (validated)
Number of units 21 (validated)
Signature 4960 (validated since 29.11.2020)
Date: 29.07.2024